Custom eBook Conversion
BookLogix will convert the author’s final PDF book file to the major eBook formats compatible with the three major eReader devices (Kindle, iPad/iPhone, Nook). This service includes adjusting the print version layout for device compatibility, eBook proofing, and inclusion of eISBNs. The type of finished eBook file will depend on the format of the book (children’s book, photo book, plain text book, etc.)
It is important to note that eBook files are not meant to look exactly like a printed book; they are meant to be a digital-device compatible version of the book. Changes may be required in the manuscript before eBook conversion can begin.
eBook formats:
- Standard
- Fixed
- Enhanced
Audiobook Creation
BookLogix will create an audiobook recording of the book, to be voiced by professional voice talent (male or female) or the author, based upon the preference of the author. The audiobook recording can include additional music and/or sound effects to enhance the recording. The audiobook file will be provided to author as a digital file. Audiobooks can be sold as a digital download or on a disc.
Audiobook Choices:
- BookLogix professional voice talent (male or female) records and BookLogix edits into audiobook
- Author records themselves in BookLogix studio and BookLogix edits into audiobook
- Author records themselves off-site and BookLogix edits into audiobook