eBooks: Standard vs. Fixed Layout

A person holding an e-reader in their hand.

When it comes to eBooks, a lot of writers don’t know the difference between different eBook formats/layouts, and which layout would be best for their book. Here are a few tips to help writers understand the differences between the two.

Standard Layout

  • This layout is best for books that have limited or no illustrations and images.
  • Standard eBooks have reflowable text. The can be read on any eReader regardless of size.
  • Size and style of fonts can be adjusted to meet personal preferences.

Fixed Layout

  • This layout is better for books that have several photos and illustrations, like children’s books
  • The text is not reflowable. The idea is to keep it as close as possible in resemblance to the printed version. This could be seen as both a pro and con because, while you lose the flexibility the standard layout offers, you preserve the look and quality of the print version.
  • You can add value to fixed eBooks and create an experience outside of the printed book by including interactive features.

These are just a few things for writers to consider when deciding which eBook format/layout to use.